It's a beautiful summers evening in a small island town, the sun is setting and the inhabitants are content.
This feels like the most perfect day, except it's not. It’s actually a really miserable and hopeless day.
There seems to be a slime walking the streets with a tear filled eye, sniffling and wiping mucus on his arm.
As he walks he trips on himself, tying his legs into a knot. He curses his legs and tries to untie them.
A friendly neighbor greets him, seeing if the he needs any help, but is promptly ignored. The neighbor is unbothered, and enters his home to his loving family, all the while the slime gets up to continue his way down the street and to the beach.
He finds a good and comfortable boulder to sit on, “splat”, and drops his head into his palms.
“Stupid.. Stupid…!!!” he hits his head twice.
Lime the Slime had been scolded earlier for not properly recycling his trash, putting his plastic bottle in the plastic bin, but not the bottles bin.
“Why am I such a failure, I can’t do anything right…” tears keep running down his face.
“I hate everything about this planet”
This is a lie, for Lime likes the beach of this planet very much. Where he comes from, there's nothing but a wide green ocean, he almost feels at home here. The bittersweet feeling of his place of origin calms him down, so he starts loudly rubbing the snot and tears away.
“Hey there pal!” says a mysterious, but familiar voice
“What got you so down?”
He looks around to see if he can spot the person belonging to the voice, gliding his eye across the ocean….
No way, it’s Spongebob Squarepants standing on the shore! Lime can’t help but get a little flushed,
Spongebob is a celebrity after all, and he just spoke to him.
“...Spongebob SquarePants...” he whispers under his breath, and quickly wipes his face.
“What…. What are you doing here? Aren’t you a cartoon character?”
“A cartoon character just like you, Lime! I heard your weeping all the way from Bikinis Bottom, and came as quickly as I could”
A cartoon character, just like him? Lime doesn’t get it, seemingly not possessing the brain processing power for the thought at the moment.
“Spongebob…. how nice of you… it’s just… fuck… I can’t wrap my head around recycling, I keep fucking it up and and… you know how sometimes Squidward gets like really mad at you when you don’t do something his way and and… *sniff* it’s like that, and, like, it doesn’t feel all that nice, right??”
“I completely understand”
Spongebob walks to a seemingly identical boulder, but smaller, and takes a seat
“I don’t like it when Squidward yells at me either, but sometimes it's for good reason”
He puts his spongy hand on Limes arm.
“Recycling is really important, okay Lime? Especially for ocean critters like me”
“..Yeah….” Limes taken aback from Spongebobs sudden closeness.
“I guess I…. hey…..” the gears in his head are almost audible.
“How do you know my name?”
A big grin forms on his face
“Nyahahahaha! I read all about you on, silly!!!”
Lime feels his face getting even warmer. He doesn’t know what that is, and this feeling in his chest is making him confused.
“I…. I have to go!!!”
He gets up as fast as he can, leaving Spongebob alone on the beach, never giving the chance to explain any of this.
Lime wants to run, but instead he takes long and fast gaits.
His chest feels tight, it’s like there are worms in his stomach. His mind is racing, what is this feeling?
He keeps up with this strut all the way to his house.
Lime swings the door open, slamming his noodely body against it after him, it's like he has run a marathon.
A kid with pigtails walks past him.
“Woah, it looks like you've been running a marathon!” Lime slides down the door, and sits on the floor, “Um, me and Ananas didn’t want to eat without you, so there’s still food on the table” Lime takes off his shoes and gets up to go to the kitchen with her. |
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There, on the table are three half eaten plates of spaghetti, and Ananas sitting in one of the chairs.
She crosses her arms when she sees him. Lime is reluctant, and a bit annoyed, but swallows his pride.
“.....I’m sorry. I understand now that not recycling can harm the oceans critters.. Or.. whatever…”
She raises an eyebrow.
“The…bottles are for the bottles deposit so the …ocean critters don’t really mind…”
Ananas can’t keep a serious face about this, and cracks a smile.
“It’s fine, it’s an honest mistake, we’re just glad you’re back. Apple was pretty worried.”
Apple scuttles to the chair next to her sister.
“Yeah, you never know if he accidentally slips into the sewer system or something, those drains have wide openings for slimes.”
Lime takes a seat across them.
“I mean, I would never, but like yeah.”
Since arriving to “Earth”, Lime has been living with the two sisters Ananas and Apple.
The younger one brought him home after finding him all alone and abandoned, pleading with her older sister to let them keep him. Ever since then he has stayed with them, slowly learning about how to live on this new planet. It’s a struggle, and he doesn’t always meet eye to eye with Ananas, but it is much better to be somewhere than no-where.
He curls the spaghetti with his fork, paying close attention to it.
It’s yellow in color, long and stringy.
Focusing more, he starts to imagine it as a single mass, with holes in it..
Spot spot spot..
“I actually really like spaghetti.”
“Really now? That wasn’t the case 15 minutes ago”
“yuhu” says Apple in agreement, mouth full of spaghetti. “You were talking about how much you wanted whipped cream with sugar, corn and green beans instead.”
Ananas frowns from the thought.
This is true, but on his way home, he started to like spaghetti more.
“I changed my mind, I like the color of spaghetti more now.”
“Since when did you like the color yellow?” Apple questions
Lime is beginning to think those two know who he is thinking about, getting flustered.
“I don’t know.”
He quickly finishes his plate.
“Thanks for the food. And. Waiting and stuff”
He brings the plate to the sink, and rushes to his room.
The sisters are left confused, unaware of what just transpired on the beach.
Lime falls face first onto his bed, and starts kicking his legs, biting his pillow, almost growling. He thinks to himself: What if I stayed longer at the beach, what would He tell me, what would He do?
The thought embarasses him, so he digs his face into the pillow. After a while, he rolls on his back, looking at the ceiling. As quietly as he could, he whispers
“ I wish I could see him again…”
On his computer, he goes on and puts on his new favorite video he just found: Gangster Spongebob, and drifts to sleep.
That night, he dreamt he was a beautiful mermaid, swimming in the sea.
Aforementioned video: